February 11, 2021
Which Majors Are in the Most Demand?
You might be surprised to learn that, prior to the early 1800s, all US college students were taught the same basic set of subjects. It was the University of Virginia that changed academic history forever by offering different programs that students could choose between. Other colleges and universities soon began to follow suit, introducing various ...
August 10, 2020
Essential Soft Skills for Teachers
Whether a teacher specializes in math, English, science, or history, it’s important that they master their specific area of expertise. Whereas an educator’s proficiency in their subject area can be measured in terms of grades, certifications, and exams, there are some more intangible qualities that can’t be measured that can help them become better, more ...
July 21, 2020
How to Select the Right SEL Programs for Your Class
A child’s education is about so much more than academic lessons. What students learn in the classroom extends far beyond the quadratic equation or dates they memorize from their history textbooks. A student’s experience in school should prepare them for social situations, as well as real-life situations that extend beyond the classroom. Social emotional learning ...
July 16, 2020
What is a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Specialist?
In addition to academic demands, students today must acquire an ever-growing list of life skills. They learn to cooperate effectively with peers, make social decisions responsibly, make constructive contributions to their families and communities, and attain the skills necessary to become valuable and productive members of society. An educator who specializes in social emotional learning ...
July 13, 2020
7 Social Emotional Learning Strategies for Remote Teaching
Social emotional learning (SEL) helps students understand their thoughts and emotions and how to express and feel these emotions. While SEL can increase self-awareness, it can also help individuals show more empathy toward others because they’re better able to understand what another individual may be feeling. Social emotional learning can help to improve a student’s ...
June 22, 2020
4 Ways to Fast-Track Your Teaching Career
Whether you’re starting out in the workforce or have decided on a career change, becoming a teacher can be a rewarding path that allows you to help students learn and reach their full potential. If you’ve decided that teaching is the right career for you, you’re probably eager to make your move to the classroom ...
May 18, 2020
From High School Teacher to Community College Professor
There’s nothing like seeing the look of understanding suddenly appear on the faces of students you’re teaching. Those “light bulb moments” are the reason many choose to enter — and stay — in the teaching profession. And, sometimes, staying means transitioning from one teaching environment to another. This is the case for many high school ...
May 14, 2020
How Do You Become a Principal? The Path From Teacher to Principal
Teaching is a rewarding profession in so many ways. But, for some teachers, there comes a time when they feel a calling to do something that takes them beyond the classroom — while still keeping them in the education field. For them, the natural next step is to become a principal.
March 26, 2020
California Educational Leadership: The Ed.D. in Organizational Innovation
There can be few roles in life where a single person can have such a profound impact as that of an educator. Great educational leadership is almost universally accepted as a positive influence throughout our lives. Indeed, many successful people will often point to an individual teacher, professor, or coach who they will claim categorically ...
January 9, 2020
Is Being a Teacher Worth It?
Workforce trends point to a looming teacher shortage in California, meaning the supply of instructors to inspire the next generation is in serious danger. The problem is hardly limited to the Golden State, however. Data from a recent Learning Policy Institute report suggested that by the 2017-18 school year, a lack of qualified teachers would ...
January 6, 2020
Why Teachers Still Matter: The New Impact of Teachers
Digital disruption has changed the face of numerous industries over that past couple of decades. You don’t need to look too closely at the retail sector, the entertainment industry, or even the cab you hail on the street, to see how technology has impacted the way we engage with services —education is no different. We ...
October 3, 2019
Living in San Diego: Enhance Your Life with an Educational Certificate
If you are living in San Diego and also want to teach here, you’re in luck. With more than 730 schools in the county alone, there is no doubt there is a growing need for teachers and other educational professionals in the greater San Diego region. Careers in education are often considered some of the ...
September 9, 2019
How to Become a Certified Teacher: National and State Board Certifications
Certified public accountant. Licensed registered nurse. Bar-certified attorney. Many industries and occupations rely on third-party organizations to set professional standards, and teaching is no different. In the United States, teaching credentials are issued at the state level and are usually required to teach in public schools. There’s also an opportunity to become a nationally certified ...
August 26, 2019
How To Become a Certified Autism Specialist
Over the last two decades, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, has become a more frequent diagnosis among children in the United States, and it’s a diagnosis that crosses racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic divides. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in 59 children is diagnosed with ASD compared with one in 150 ...
April 11, 2019
Why Is Early Childhood Education Important?
Early childhood education is a term that refers to the period of time from a child’s birth to when they enter kindergarten, according to Dr. Jessica Alvarado, academic program director for the BA in Early Childhood Development at National University. According to Alvarado, it is an important time in children’s lives because it is when ...
April 8, 2019
What Can I Do With a Behavioral Analysis Degree?
If you’re drawn to a helping profession, one area you may have imagined yourself working is one-on-one with children or adults who are experiencing a mental health challenge. In broad terms, counseling is one field that allows you to do that. Behavior analysis falls into this area. This rapidly growing field focuses on human behavior: ...
March 28, 2019
Checklist: How Do I Go Back to School?
It’s funny how the mind works. You might be in the middle of your workday, maybe at a job where you expected to be promoted by now, and suddenly you start thinking about your future. Maybe you’ve been shuffling kids between school and soccer practice and in the back of your mind, you start thinking ...
February 2, 2019
Ask an Expert: What Is the Importance of Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education?
When you have a difficult question, it’s always best to turn to a subject matter expert for answers. In our blog series, Ask An Expert, National University faculty take turns answering challenging questions in their areas of expertise. In this post, we put the focus on family involvement in early childhood education. We asked Professor ...
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