Teddy T. - Class of 2021, Military Veteran

Academic Integrity

Teddy T. - Class of 2021, Military Veteran

National University is dedicated to the highest principles and standards of academic integrity. An academic violation by a student can negatively impact a class, program and/or college in ways that are unique to each discipline. Therefore, the University believes that the severity of an academic infraction is best evaluated by the faculty of the institution.

Academic integrity is closely related to professional ethics and requires that students honestly acknowledge their use of the ideas, words, and written work produced by any other individual, institution or source. Intentional or unintentional failure to acknowledge properly the use of another’s intellectual output constitutes a form of academic dishonesty.

Some examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise
  • Submitting work previously submitted in another course without the consent of the instructor
  • Sitting for an examination by surrogate or acting as a surrogate
  • Representing the words, ideas, or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise
  • Conducting any act that defrauds the academic process


MLA style https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
APA style https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/