Assistive Technology
Students registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) have the opportunity to be trained in assistive technology (AT) for the purpose of accessing educational materials and learning environments. AT is both the provision of adapted systems and training towards the use of specialized software for those with computer access issues and/or with challenges using print instructional materials.
At National University, students interested in assistive technology can seek advice in utilizing current and emerging technologies to match their learning strategies and preferred platforms. For students new to eBooks or text-to-speech needs, the NU Bookstore offers electronic books through VitalSource.com for many required texts. Students are encouraged to download their eBooks directly into the free BookShelf app with text enlargement and speech output capability. Other specialized assistive reading software are available to students with disabilities seeking access to academic content in the digital environment.
Assistive Technology Options
- Alternative input hardware: keyboards, mice, scanners, and microphones
- Alternative input system for speech recognition
- Alternative output hardware: large screen display monitor, refreshable braille
- Access software for DAISY audio
- Low-tech solutions: highlighters, magnifiers, notecards, construction paper, etc.
- Notetaking aids like analog recorders, digital smartpens and mobile apps
- Assistive reading with optical character recognition
- Assistive writing with graphic organizers, outlining, phonetic spelling, and word prediction
- Mobile tablets or dedicated eReaders
- Personal task managers and scheduling apps
- Talking calculators
Assistive Technology Training
If you are currently registered with SAS and would like to explore assistive technology learning strategies or brush up on previously learned skills, please contact [email protected] or call 858-309-3538.