Dr. Zhonghe Wu

Contact Information

Dr. Zhonghe Wu

College: Sanford College of Education

Department: Teacher Education

[email protected]


Costa Mesa Campus


Texas A&M, College Station - PHD - Curriculum and Instruction
Dr. Zhonghe Wu is a professor at National University. He earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA specializing in International Business, and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education. He worked as a mechanical engineer for more than ten years, in the business management for more than five years, and he has had teaching experience at K-12 and various levels in different universities for 18 years. His research areas include educational policy, teachers¿ knowledge growth and change, international comparison study of student achievement, and the use of technology in education; he has been involved in various publicly and privately funded research projects. He has actively participated in scholarly activities and has published numerous research studies in various academic journals. He has served as an Assistant Editor, Associate Editor, and Editor-in-Chief in scientific journals. Currently, he serves as an Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning (JRIT&L).


  • American Educational Research Association
  • Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • California Association of Mathematics Teacher Education
  • California Mathematics Council
  • International Society for Technology in Education
  • Phi Delta Kappa
  • International Group of the Psychology of Mathematics Education
  • School Science and Mathematics Association


  • Dr. Zhonghe Wu. (July 01, 2017). ![CDATA[Role of educational policy in mathematical comparison study.]]. Journal of Mathematics Education.

  • An, S.. (July 01, 2017). ![CDATA[Teaching elementary and middle school mathematics using MSA approach: Model, Strategy, and Application, (3rd ed.)]].

  • Wu, Z., & An, S.. (July 01, 2016). ![CDATA[Addressing Challenges in Urban Teaching and Learning Math Using Model- Strategy-Application with Reasoning Approach in Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms.]]. Journal of Urban Learning Teaching and Research.

  • An, S., Wu, Z., & An, S. A. (July 01, 2015). ![CDATA[Comparing U.S. and Chinese Teachers' Multidigit Division Knowledge.]]. The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathemat.

  • An. S. & Wu, Z.. (July 01, 2015). ![CDATA[Using the Model-Strategy-Application approach in developing pre-Service teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and assessing their progress]]. Academic Perspectives.

  • An. S. & Wu, Z.. (July 01, 2015). ![CDATA[Making international experiences accessible to in-service teachers through East meets West program]]. Journal of Urban Learning Teaching and Research.

  • Wu, Z., & An, S.. (July 01, 2014). ![CDATA[Listen to students' voices: A case study of assessing perspective teachers' thinking in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms]]. Academic Perspectives.

  • An, S., & Wu, Z.. (July 01, 2014). ![CDATA[Using the Evidence-Based MSA Approach to Enhance Teacher Knowledge in Student Mathematics Learning and Assessment]]. Journal of Mathematics Education.

  • Wu, Z., An, S., & An, S. A.. (July 02, 2013). ![CDATA[Fathers' role in Chinese children's education]]. Father Involvement in Young Children's Lives.

  • Dr. Zhonghe Wu. (February 01, 2013). ![CDATA[Influence of the Reformed Mathematics Textbooks on Student Achievement in China.]]. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sci.

  • An, S.. (February 01, 2012). ![CDATA[Enhancing mathematics teachers 'knowledge of students' thinking from assessing and analyzing misconceptions in homework.]]. International Journal of Science and Mathematics E.

  • An, S. & Wu, Z.. (July 02, 2008). ![CDATA[Approaches to assessing students' thinking from analyzing errors in homework.]]. Mathematics for every student: Responding to diver.

  • Wu, Z. & An, S.. (July 02, 2008). ![CDATA[The professional development of mathematics knowledge for teaching.]]. Teacher knowledge and practice in middle grades ma.

  • Wu, Z. & An, S.. (July 02, 2007). ![CDATA[Using alternative assessments to assess students' learning: Discussion of traditional and authentic assessments.]]. Classroom assessment in mathematics education.

  • An, S., Kulm, G., Wu, Z., Ma, F. & Wang, L.. (July 02, 2006). ![CDATA[Impact Difference on Middle School Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs in the US and China]]. Mathematics education in different cultural tradit.

  • An. S, Wu, Z., & An. S. A.. (n.d.). ![CDATA[Comparing U.S. and Chinese teachers' multidigit division knowledge]]. Teaching and Teacher Education.