Information for Current
Credential Students
From time to time, regulations regarding your credential program may change. Please review the following recent changes:
Notice Regarding Subject Matter Waiver Letters
According to CCTC Coded Correspondence, 03-0025, multiple subject teacher candidates who enroll in a teacher preparation program on or after July 1, 2004 will be required to demonstrate subject matter competency by passing a Commission-approved examination, currently the California Subject Examination for Teachers: Multiple Subjects (CSET).
In compliance with Public Law 107-110 (No Child Left Behind Act) and CCTC regulations, National University can no longer accept subject matter equivalency letters for Multiple Subject Teaching Credential candidates enrolling into the program after July 1, 2004.
Students who enrolled prior to July 1, 2004, may be recommended for the credential, on the basis of a waiver letter, if they complete their credential program within two years after the date of enrollment. These candidates may be required to demonstrate subject matter competency by passing the Commission-approved examination (CSET) in order to obtain employment. Please be advised that employment decisions regarding NCLB compliance rest with the employing school district.
Candidates who have earned a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential since July 1, 2002, may be required by a school district to demonstrate subject matter competency by passing a Commission-approved examination (CSET) in order to obtain employment. Please be advised that employment decisions regarding NCLB compliance rest with the employing school district.
The National University Credential Staff is available to answer questions and provide whatever assistance possible with meeting this requirement. If you have additional questions, please refer to CCTC coded correspondence 03-0025, which can be found on the CCTC website at www.ctc.ca.gov. You may also contact your local Credential Advisor for assistance with this information.
The National University WES Training and Development Department offers a CSET preparation course to assist students with study materials and techniques for this exam. Please refer to their webpage for specific contact information.