Julie Hayden

Julie Hayden, MA, CMPC is the Director of Applied Training for the MA in Sport & Performance Psychology program. Ms. Hayden earned her MA in sport psychology from formerly JFKU in 2017 and her BS in psychology from Michigan State University. Ms. Hayden is driven to provide a rewarding and challenging mentored applied training experience for student-interns within this program, offering an unparalleled supportive and immersive experience. She is extremely proud to be part of this fun and hard-working team. Ms. Hayden also teaches for the MA in Sport & Performance Psychology program, specializing in applied training preparation and execution of mental performance techniques. Ms. Hayden’s passion in the sport psychology field lies within enhancing sport and performance culture to promote healthy and safe motivational climates where athletes and performers are empowered to become the best versions of themselves, with a particular focus in gymnastics as well as underrepresented populations as a centerpiece of her private practice.

Julie Hayden

Contact Information

Julie Hayden

College: JFK School of Psychology and Social Sciences

Department: Psychology

[email protected]

(925) 969-3151


John F. Kennedy University - MA - Sport Psychology